The Longevity Cuisine
Due to its perceived rarity in nature... The color purple has always been considered to be a high energy color that has been coveted by royalty, the wealthy and the spiritual. Purple represents a higher consciousness in many cultures and religions.
According to the Purple Earth Hypothesis, an astrobiological hypothesis that when the early Earth was first formed, all plant-life reflected the color purple. Eventually, through the power of the sun and the process of photosynthesis, green plants engulfed the planet. However, if you look closely, today you will still find many survivors of the first earth purple, in nature.
The Mystery of this Synergy, with the Color Purple
The role of purple plants as a medicinal agent has been rooted in ancient tradition-throughout the world, as far back as 6000 years or more. Our early ancestors wrote about purple crops in their sacred texts. It wasn’t until recently that modern science and technology is recognizing the potential for disease prevention provided by the powerful antioxidants, derived from purple plants, called anthocyanins. When digested in a whole foods form, these anthocyanins interact communally, with other phytochemicals present in the plant, to potentiate their synergistic healing capacity.

The Secret Power of Purple
Would you like to move away from the flavorless and unhealthy SAD, (Standard American Diet.)
But also have a more exciting, flavorful, and preventative way of eating; that will reduce your risk of the top six chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke,cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity and arthritis?
Purple Earth Cuisine Book
- The Purple Earth Hypothesis explained.
- The spiritual and medicinal significance of purple plants, for over 6000 years.
- Transitions the reader away from the SAD (Standard American Diet) to a healthier way of eating which begins with their food choices in the marketplace.
- Content vetted by dieticians, doctors, and research scientists.
- Encourages increasing the daily intake of vegetables and fruits to 60-70%.
- Explanation of purple plants as “survivors of adversity”
- The de-stressing effect of Purple Earth Cuisine, physiologically, and psychologically.
- Written by a trained Pritikin Longevity Diet chef.
- Vital Information supported by peer-reviewed studies.
- Purple Foods are at the forefront of the colorful antioxidant movement.
- Raise your consciousness about purple plants (sourcing, preparation and healing power)
- By osmosis, helps the reader to establish their own “High Energy Health Kitchen”.

Purple Pizza Crust
Crafted with non-GMO, Mid-west grown purple corn In my quest to optimize nutrition, I found a great substitute for the semolina portion of the flour blend in my pizza dough: Whole grain non-GMO purple corn flour grown in the USA. Purple corn is also known as Hopi Maize.
There is an ancient Hopi prophecy – when purple corn comes to the West, it is a sign that many changes are going to happen on the planet. That time is now. I embrace non-GMO purple corn as an ingredient of hope – and health – not just for our bodies, but for Mother Earth. By incorporating non-GMO ingredients into our recipes, we can push back against the GMO food trend and keep ourselves and our planet healthy. There are many health promoting aspects to purple corn. The milling process of this ancient whole grain retains the food value, which includes an abundance of niacin. It is also relatively high in protein (compared to the lighter colored corn) – and it is rich in plant phytochemicals called anthocyanins, at a level that rivals fresh blueberries. There are already many citations in the medical literature that identify anthocyanins as having important cancer fighting and/or cancer prevention characteristics. The next time you are looking to buy expensive out-of season blueberries, consider having a slice of this pizza instead. The purple corn flour adds a wonderful earthy flavor to this crust. It’s hard to describe; you must try it for yourself. I use purple corn which is currently being grown in the nation’s Corn Belt by farmers dedicated to producing food crops that deliver a higher nutritional value and greater health benefits.
Facts About Purple Cuisine

Reversing Insulin Resistance
Recipes from Purple Earth Cuisine have shown to support reversing insulin resistance, slowing down the progression of osteoporosis and reduce the risk of heart disease. Doctors are even promoting phytochemical- rich colorful plants, that include the purple variety!

The Secret Power of Purple
Recently, we’ve discovered that due to the unique self-protective phytochemicals in purple plants, consuming them may be an effective complement to a diet designed to reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases, diabetes 2, obesity and arthritis and certain cancers. We are finding that there is great potential for purple plants to intervene in the course of chronic disease.

Gifts of the First Earth
Are these purple plants gifts handed down from our first earth? It’s hard to say. However, one thing we do know is that the color purple has always been considered to be spiritual - even magical; and they’ve now been scientifically proven to be of tremendous medicinal value.

Making the “Case” for Purple
Anthocyanins, the purple pigmented phytochemicals in plants, due to their ability to ameliorate lifestyle diseases, are now being heavily researched for their potential application in the world of functional foods as related to personalized diet. They are a rising star in the novel ingredients market.

Purple Earth Cuisine Book
A rare and beautiful gem of a cookbook, Purple Earth Cuisine, is the first of its kind. With over 70 recipes of artistically prepared dishes featuring purple foods, this farm-to-table cookbook raises the bar for today’s modern health kitchen. Drawing on deep roots in the California Mediterranean cuisine, June fuses traditional classics with inspired contemporary variations - root vegetable stews, historic gluten-free pseudo grains such as amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat and flaxseed, wild-caught seafood with fresh picked vegetable side dishes, traditional comfort foods with guilt-free ingredients - and filters them through a lens of cutting - edge medical research for a tantalizing, healthful food adventure of delicious and nutritious recipes.
June Pagan is passionate about educating people regarding healthy foods and providing delicious recipes using health-promoting ingredients, and she is helping us vote every day - for good health - by providing superb preparation and cooking ideas, interspersed with valuable information to keep us entertained and enlightened." - Sandy Gooch, Founder of Mrs. Gooch’s Natural Foods ,a chain of natural foods markets in Southern California, that was acquired by Whole Foods Markets.
To Be Published Soon
Longevity Chef June Pagan
Today, June is a “Longevity Chef”. She continues to study the world of food production, combined with lifestyle diets, old and new from the 5000-year-old Ayurvedic system of natural healing which emphasizes diet, the Blue Zones diet of longest-lived cultures, to the current number of trends such as the Paleolithic, ketogenic, gluten-free, carb-free, sugar-free, vegan approaches to lifestyle diet. With this knowledge and the collaboration of top doctors and dietitians, she forages the food supply for phyto-nutrient dense, man-made chemical-free, GMO-free, preferable organic or “responsibly farmed” ingredients to create diet-specific recipes as part of a course of action for disease prevention, healing or simple healthy lifestyle for her clients, with an emphasis on pleasing her clients’ palates.